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Post any genre good metal songs.
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you "guys" post some of the most gayest fucking metal on here
listen to this you stupid piece of shit





wow very cool


Can't stop listening to this song


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 No.1856861[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

What do you guys think of the phenomenon of foreigners (mainly we*terners) joining armed guerrillas against other State agents or Irregular groups? YPG\pershmega against the ISIS\Daesh, the stuff that happened in the Donbbas\Novorussia conflict (pre-war).
is it just a form of adventurism or extreme tourism, a thrill-seeking bourgeoisie vice? Actually heroic and worthwhile?
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Kurds are revolutionary heroes phaul saport sar unlike arap subhuman savages CNN said so


based Hakim


Foreigners were not joining Kurdish organisations or rebellions in -IRAQ- anon, wtf are you talking about?


Tiny secular island keeps the islamists and nationalists angry. Makes me happy


ottomans, they where the ones directing the genocide some kurdish tribes where colaborating with them but they werent directing nothing nor did the genocide helped them achieve none of their national aspirations in fact it was the opposite

nowadays is the turks who continue the strategy of ethnic cleansing and genocide and they still do it with the colaboration of some kurdish tribes except now its against other kurds and the pkk


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Is the metal scene left wing or right wing?
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What's the most apolitical metal subgenre?


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i think it's hard to associate slam with any political leaning since the whole thing seems to be just about having a very nasty and violent sound and gore lyrics. But since it attracts edgelords, I'd say it leans reactionary

as for deathcore, I don't pay a lot of attention to the lyrics, but from the lyrics I know it seems to also be very nihilistic, like deathmetal lyrics usually are. The lyrics are also sometimes about stress and anxiety and shit, and I don't know what to make of these mental health themes politically. I don't remember any deathcore song that'd openly take a politcal stance. But again, I usually don't pay attention to song lyrics and I'm an idiot, so don't take any of my assumptions seriously


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rabm is becoming more and more relevant.


there's a lot of leftoids in hardcore and noise rock


hell yeah


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ya'll motherfuckers say "it's too early for PPW, think about the optics!" well I say 'really' because I don't see any other groups out there engaging in confrontation with the forces of my county.
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You ought to read "Why is it That Red Power Can Exist in China?" and then ask yourself if the same conditions exist in the USA.


My answer is, PPW isn't applicable where imperialist power is strongest. There's a reason why Sison said the US communists should use the insurrectionist model of the bolsheviks.


Insurrection won't work either, the only way out of the monoparty is through a military coup like the Carnation revolution


Voting is easier than insurrection and if you can't attract an electorate, arms are a pipe dream


I don’t see anyone out here doing PPW; often it seems like the people advocating it the loudest just want others to do it for them.


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I never said such a thing at all. Let's return to the countryside and build up agricultural independence in secrecy.


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 No.941093[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

A thread focused on discussing the parasocial relationships cultivated by the Almighty Algorithm to generate profit off of our atomization and society's commodification of petty internet drama.
Brace through the hyper-real lacanian void together with the Leftypol Twitter account:

Reminder That None of This Is Real!
ɢʀᴀʙ ᴀ ᴘᴀɪʀ ᴏꜰ sᴘᴇᴄᴛᴀᴄʟᴇs


>The Society of the Spectacle (1967) by Guy Debord
📖 • https://www.marxists.org/reference/archive/debord/society.htm
📺 • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0blWjssVoUQ

<The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction (1936) by Walter Benjamin

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It's not like they need to work overtime to disrupt Palestinian communications or do psyops on tiktok. They have to set aside time to slander the living reincarnation of Ernst Rohm as a homosexual


hate to break this to you but nick fuentes is not an example of overseas palestinian resistance


I mean, you have it completely backwards (which isn't a surprise for this site).

The political postiions they take are an expression of anti-corportism. You will discover this if rather than lying to yourself about their politics you actually look at these spaces.

I'm not going to bother extending this critique because on a Marxist website you should be familiar with it (What's comical is that you've made this post when >>1857704 this one is still visible)


>A Marxist website


A new captcha should be instituted for this site in which you must complete a 3000 word assignment reviewing the basic contributions of Marxist literature to socialist thought.

Mods should purchase the server capacity and use an OpenAI LLM to automate the marking of said assignments. The capatcha is valid for 1 month, and upon expiring you must complete another assignment.

This will help weed out posters who should not be posting here, as well Tankies.



The fundamental leftist critique of religion is that religion lulls the masses into complacency with promises of a better life in Heaven and an assurance that the Earthly order is ordained by Providence and, on the flip side, recognition of the falsehood of religious belief will cause the masses to undergo a radical re-evaluation of the world, the way it is organized, and their relationship with their fellow man. But here in 2024, and in the Western world, is this still relevant?

Let's look at the first claim. Is the largest or even significant ideology keeping the masses in line the promise of a better life in Heaven? Do the actively religious actually believe that the world order as it is established now is the product of divine providence? I would say that obviously this is not the case and hasn't been for a while. What subdues the masses can vary from country to country, but at least in America (and increasingly around the world) it is not the promise of Heaven that motivates the masses to stay in line, but the promise of earthly reward. The "temporarily embarrassed millionaires" attitude has long been an aspect of the American ideology, but I would argue that it has moreso and moreso taken on the religious aspect of maintaining social compliance. First you had Horatio Alger stories which generally portrayed a "rags-to-riches" narrative based on young men engaged in some kind form of good works to rise above the poverty while benefiting their community, which then turned to Ayn Rand's stories which rejected outright any greater social responsibility of the industrialist tycoon, instead portraying them as pseudo-divine "Great Man" figures for which all the industry and wealth of the world was merely an extension of their great personalities and any attempt to direct or interrupt their great works was to invite disaster upon the world, for the world needs the entrepreneur, the entrepreneur does not need the world. This is further developed by the "self-help" movement that began to take off in the 70s, where often men of wealth would give advice on how to get rich to the masses, but this "advice" was almost never about making shrewd business decisions or actual ways of acquiring capital and business deals, but a litany of all the supposed morals and examples of virtuous living the wealthy supposedly possessed. And then, finally, to top it off we have "The Secret," a bestselling novel which posited that it is not simply being a great personality aPost too long. Click here to view the full text.
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while not a sex cult, i hear its members are kinda sex obsessed lol. probably bullshit


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>ever since Trump rose up as a political force, I haven't been able to take the religious right seriously as a religious movement
OP, you probably have not sincerely met the real religious right.
They're still around. This is your ignorance of their existence. I bet you have not even met with the Catholic scholasticism nerds or Orthodox traditionalists or Bible Belt Protestants. Or even the Muslim world which is very proactively religious. Lurk around more. You're not looking hard enough.


Your point on the NuAtheists becoming reactionaries is especially ironic in the context of Richard Dawkins, I believe, saying he calls himself a “cultural Christian”. Again you have that cynical deployment of faith as a means of social order rather than emanating from actual belief.

I’ve said stuff in a similar vain before, but at this point I don’t give a fuck, people will listen or they won’t. I think the broader left has this notion that Capitalism dissolving all prior social relations, and this is good because there won’t be a “distraction” anymore from the class struggle. And I think history has proven that notion to be dead wrong. All the destruction of prior social institutions have done is destroyed the basis for collectivity and left atomized consumers in its wake. The world, the collective, it’s getting smaller and smaller. The annihilation of faith has left a void not filled by socialism, but by people consuming Marvel products and fandoms; something that’s engaged with as an observer rather than active participant. The dissolving of the nation has only lead to internationalism of capital, not labor. Western laborers are broadly going nationalist because they can recognize that the costs of global capital are being offloaded onto them: they’re the ones that are dealing with jobs leaving, massive influxes of migrants competing in the domestic job market, and suppressed wages. The rich aren’t.

The places broadly going Right Wing aren’t the richest parts of America or Europe, in fact it’s usually the opposite: it’s often the poorest and most dilapidated parts of the country, the underdeveloped parts. And what do these people do when the jobs have left and the opiates come in? They cling to religion and nationalism because those are the only existing forms of collectivism left. And in comes the Left huffing that they have to give that last little bit of collectivism up for “real” collectivism to be born.


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>And what's more, not only have the NuAtheists of the Aughts become reactionaries … Among many secular liberals, religion is used as the sin eater for liberalism's failures. Religion is portrayed as the evil seed from which all reactionary thought grows and is the perennial reason why liberalism continues to fail to live up to its promises
You have a strong point here. I think a lot of the New Atheist (or r/atheism) stuff retains a metaphysical form of thinking where religion comes in from the "outside" to corrupt humanity, rather than something generated from within human minds which are themselves shaped by the material conditions of societies (which seems more Marxist). Your descriptions of religions promising an "afterlife" in the here-and-now in the sleek, modern homes of the rich is also fascinating.

>So what was the the refutation of religion even supposed to change in these people if it doesn't even inoculate them against Zionism?

Well, a lot of early Zionists were secularists, some could've been atheists. This tends to confuse people because how can you be a secularist while retvrning to the holy land of the Bible? But a lot of those guys were thinking in terms of nationalism with the Bible being their national story (albeit rendered by ancient peoples in mythological terms), the superstitious stuff was not necessarily relevant. The kind of critical Biblical history where you go around to archeological digs to see what matched up to what's in the Bible and what didn't also became a fascination to these people in the 20th century. (They also used archeology to legitimize their land grabs.)

I recently learned about the Israeli general, Yigael Yadin, one of the commanders in the 1948 war, who was also an archaeologist and wrote such books (I was flipping through one of his based on ancient warfare in the region) that would try to fit the Biblical stories into a scientific context using modern discoveries. I don't know if he was an atheist or not, but he was a secularist. Isaac Asimov also wrote a book about the Bible that was similar. This is pretty distinct from American fundamentalists going around trying to find some fossilized piece of wood and calling it Noah's Ark, although it wouldn't surprise me if religious Zionists in Israel nowadays do sPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


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To go back to before Marx. Robespierre sought to supplant Christianity with a revolutionary religion that valorized the poor. It was his demand that Christians live like their savior, if they truly believed, that was viewed as intolerable to right of the Jacobins. Where the left, found it intolerable he felt religion was necessary at some level.

But Robespierre was correct. If religion is the painkiller as Marx saw it then its crime is that of hypocrisy not its sedating effect.
A hypocrisy woven into the very concept of grace and forgiveness in way which predominately benefits those who already hold power. So the answer isn't to destroy religion, its to remake it. Just as Pagans were assimilated by the Abrahamic faiths.

On mission, Georges Couthon ordered the destruction of churches to use their materials to build homes for the poor. In doing so, he provided a window into what true Christianity could have been.


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Hello, I've been wanting to switch to Linux for awhile now, but I'm not sure which distro I should use. What distro would you anons recommend I use?
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some programs don't need a GUI, why waste time on a GUI no one is going to use anyways? learning a GUI is just as tedious(if not harder sometimes) as just learning a command. dare I say the command line is easier than GUI sometimes


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>the terminal is inferior to a graphical interface for most things an end user would actually want to do.
not necessarily, the modern gen/ of tech's jus been raised on the standard of the gui.
>its vulnerability to typos
can't speak for other distros, bu Arch recommends similar commands from typos. not rly a devastatin problem imo. lemme kno if u got any specific ex's tho anon.
>semantic pedantry is fatal in a society with the level of literacy that we've got
in the nicest way possibl, then myb the internet wasn't designed for everyone. i dont kno all the commands on linux, bu there all listed under /bin, an i dont use half of them on a daily basis. it aint too complex of a level of literacy, an if its rly that bad they aint got it, i got a simple solution: android.
>clicking the wrong button, hitting back/cancel and trying again is simply less tedious than having the computer spit out some wanky error message
there r undo commands on terminals aswell anon, an not sure wht distro ur usin where the error messages are "wanky". myb python? i was workin on a python script this evenin an i was reminded how retarded debuggin processes is for the language. other than that no nothin comes to mind, again, feel free to give ex's.
>the more i dwell on this, the more i wonder why attempts to fix it aren't more prominent: why not dynamically parse what's typed and print, in a little box, an explanation of what will happen if you hit enter?
>or why not allow commands to be assembled out of Scratch-like code blocks, with only valid options appearing?
>there are countless attempts to make a distro where you don't have to touch the terminal (doomed for any user who wants to do more than browse the web) but there seem to be few prominent attempts to advance the new user experience of the terminal beyond the 1980s (when someone had the bold, innovative idea of putting it in a window on a GUI system.)
idk i think its quite simple, if it aint broke dont fix. operatin systems (good ones atleast) shld be designed 2 b efficent, not simple.
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I think you don't hate the terminal so much as how the UNIX shell works. Unix specifically is terrible because all it knows is strings, and thus shit breaks constantly due to formatting errors, and you have to fuck with regex constantly. Read the Unix Hater's Handbook, research Lisp machines and Lisp REPLs, learn about old mainframe OSes and Multics, learn about JSON and semantic web tech and ways to pass around typed data.

a similar problem is with programming where most tools are extremely primitive and only deal with plaintext, and use a large chain of parsers to gradually convert the plaintext into something with an abstract structure. this prevents any tools being able to have an idea of what you're trying to do while you're programming, and using that info to aid you at all. and also necessitates writing an entire language parser any time you want to extract data out of that plaintext, which is a massive pain in the ass.

unix's obsession with text is a sin and is one of the worst ideas in computer science.


>here's a program you can write that someone might want to use, one that you can feel like a special little boy for making terminal only: an insult generator.
I think instead of getting angry at "IT" (half-formed homunculi) from now on I'll say "I'm not angry, just disappointed"


lisp machines are cool but I dont really see the point of them in the modern era


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 No.211384[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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That makes it way worse because China has unions. I was actually giving him the benefit of the doubt that he knew the most basic facts before bashing China and calling for sanctions and impoverishment of its workforce out of false concern for them. The point of attacking China (and Vietnam, if it gets out of line) is that it doesn’t have *independent* labor unions.


Yes. So why not explain this to him instead of coming here to whine about independent labour unions?
Something we have to remember is that these people in america and on twitter and so on are fucking dumb, more often than not they just don't know things but are brought up in a culture that makes them arrogantly believe they can just will what they don't know out of the ether, to these people thinking up 'oh china does not have labour unions' is probably a completely valid form of knowledge gaining.
Truth is the weapon of the revolutionary, etc etc.




I did explain it to him. He doesn’t care and I don’t expect him to. Because for years, the— really big air quotes here— “China critical” left has had unlimited control over the discourse on China, on the left, and undermined all opposition to the new Cold War and now we are seeing the fruits of this: extreme, unparalleled racist paranoia and hostility and profound ignorance of the reality of China by the entire U.S. polity as it uses hatred racism and xenophobia to dismantle progressivism, environmentalism, ban media platforms, ban open source technology, control and stymie research and countless other minor evils that accumulate everyday.


I like how the reply to welfare state expansion is to tout wage growth, which of course is the classic conservative reply to why people don't need good government. Higher wages isn't a substitute for universal healthcare as Americans would know fully well. Who opposes the expansion of the Chinese welfare state, the unions?


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 No.1762168[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Thread dedicated to /leftypol/ original content.
>Post original content you've made, or OC someone else recently made which you want to share.
<Or ITT collaborate on improving content already made.

If your original content is good enough, it would most likely be shared on the /leftypol/ twitter account!
Make sure to follow us and feel free to leave suggestions on this thread~

previous thread: >>1465628
>>>/leftypol_archive/1465628 (if it gets archived by mods)

Leftypol memes and other undesirables:

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this one?
haha no prob it was a rly neat image :) take a look at the /meta/ moderation thread btw


exactly that! thank you anon :D


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The Eternal Anglo AKA:
>Les Goddams
>Corgi Fuckers
>Ghost Men
>The Sunless
>Zionist's Favorite Demon
>Coal Children
>Angloman's Smile
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This thread is for the discussion of cybercommunism, the planning of the socialist economy by computerized means, including discussions of related topics and creators. Drama belongs in /isg/

Towards a New Socialism by Paul Cockshott and Allin Cottrell: http://ricardo.ecn.wfu.edu/~cottrell/socialism_book/
Brain of the Firm by Stafford Beer
Cybernetic Revolutionaries by Eden Medina
Cybernetics: Or the Control and Communication in the Animal and the Machine and The Human Use of Human Beings (1st edition) by Norbert Wiener
Economic cybernetics by Nikolay Veduta
People's Republic of Walmart by Leigh Phillips and Michal Rozworski
Red Plenty by Francis Spufford
Economics in kind, Total socialisation and A system of socialisation by Otto Neurath (Incommensurability, Ecology, and Planning: Neurath in the Socialist Calculation Debate by Thomas Uebel provides a summary)

Active writers/creators
Sorted by last name
>Paul Cockshott
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most cloud migrations dont save money anyway thats largely just AWS propaganda that people who take their certifications are brainwashed into. Basically people are getting a certification in how to be an unpaid AWS salesman in their own company.


Do you think this could replace Cockshott, Marketing of consumer

The equilibrium is achieved not by adapting to sold/labor spent -> 1,
but by users themselves changing jobs or working differently.

So for milk, the estimate function should return 1, or there will
not be enough milk for those who consume it. For mobile phones
estimate can be 5 years, a phone will be replaced once in 5 years.

There is no vouchers nor money. If a user wants more things he can
work more and see effects not just in aggregates. May be something
like this:

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C is the lingua franca of the computer world, and will remain so for many decades to come. Cope and Ceethe
>Shitty cope coming onky from retards who haven't wrote a single line of code in their lives
stop projecting so hard
>using a memory safe language
C is perfectly memory safe. all you need to do is define the machine appropriately. you pay for that memory safety in decreased performance however, which is unacceptable in many applications. HPC and video come to mind. you can write a BLAS implementation in Java but it won't be fast
people who whine about C are like people who whine about XML. junior developers who have not learned enough discipline


>Python is scientific and we are scientific
Python is glue, CUDA is scientific


>junior developers who have not learned enough discipline
most 21st century developers never even touch C anon, other than embedded and OS devs


 No.1851569[Reply][Last 50 Posts]


🚨 Live Happenings/Updates 🚨

Al-Jazeera: https://www.aljazeera.com/news/liveblog/2024/5/7/israels-war-on-gaza-live-israel-blasts-rafah-fate-of-ceasefire-uncertain

Middle East Eye: https://www.middleeasteye.net/israel-palestine-hamas-war-gaza-live-invasion

The Guardian: https://www.theguardian.com/world/palestinian-territories

Times of Israel: https://www.timesofisrael.com/topic/liveblog/ (trigger warning)


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>Kavkazi people are mostly descendants of Turkic migrants
this is the absolute stupidest thing i have ever read on this fucking site
the peoples of the caucasus have been here unmoved since at least pre bronze age


Who the fuck says kavkazi? No one does, even google just says that it's a prefix for jews from the area.


>if we take that Greek philosophy is the foundation of the "civilization"



He's right you know:
Khaled Meshaal lauds pro-Palestine supporters
Speaking in Istanbul, Hamas’s former head says the group is grateful to those who have supported Palestine financially, or by demonstrating, engaging with the media or boycotting companies that support Israel.

“We are thankful to the student protests, which kicked off in American and European universities and erupted across the globe,” Meshaal said.

He also said that despite the calls for ending the war in Gaza, Israel continues to carry out crimes in both the besieged coastal enclave and occupied West Bank.

“The resistance is alive and well. The popular support is strong and embraces the resistance. The world itself is changing and Gaza has unearthed the face of people’s humanity. Our enemy is collapsing from within, its inner conflict causing it great frustration,” he added.

“We are standing before a historical moment, an opportunity to defeat Israel and to dismantle the Zionist project. We have an opportunity to change the world, and this needs perseverance and strength. Our nation needs to continue what it started on October 7. Do not give up. Do not say you are tired.”


Israel on losing end in Gaza war: Former Mossad deputy chief
Israeli Knesset member and former Mossad deputy chief Ram Ben-Barak said the ongoing war in Gaza is “futile”, asserting that Israel is on the losing end and facing economic collapse.

“This war lacks a clear objective, and it’s evident that we’re unequivocally losing it,” Ben-Barak told Israeli public radio.

“We are forced to engage in fighting in the same areas and end up losing more soldiers. We’re also facing setbacks on the international stage, our relations with the US deteriorating significantly, and the Israeli economy in decline,” he said.

“Show me one thing we have succeeded in.”


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 No.296564[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Dump all the seemingly pointless, dubious, and frivolous questions that don't deserve their own shitty threads.

Got a question that's probably been asked a million times before? You're in the right landfill, buddy. Post it here.

Threads that otherwise might go in here will eventually find themselves become merged to this thread.
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Is the other way around. Modern Zionism was influenced by German nationalist Blut und Boden shit and the Zionists collaborated with the Nazis in the lead up to the war.


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Is this true?




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here's some OC that I just made that should hopefully clear things up


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 No.1853837[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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i would not be surprised if he could still shoot them first.


Reserve+ is mandatory for working with any government services and employment, so you can't even work or receive money from banks without it


Like always the leftcom rages and seethes and moans when confronted by the actual reality of what every socialist thinker advocated for.


I really kind of wonder how much of this is caused by theboomer fuck lead engineers being absolutely convinced that people with unlimited skill are just going to waltz through the door someday and would literally rather spend years waiting rather than spend a month training someone younger on how to get the skills.

This happens a lot in at the least western industries right now.


Two things: Fidel is to Cuba what Washington is to America in terms of reverence. He won a revolution for the Cuban people. Secondly it’s not like his power came from constant political campaigning and votes, someone who’s essentially made himself a dictator (and I mean that in the most positive sense) can, in fact, apologize and appear “above it all.”


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 No.805130[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

🗽United States Politics🦅

Absolute State of America Edition

Thread for the hellish discussion related to the greatest, best country God has ever given man on the face of the Earth.


State mandated propaganda livestreams:
CNN: https://www.livenewsnow.com/american/cnn-news-usa.html
MSNBC: https://www.livenewsnow.com/american/msnbc.html
FOX: https://www.livenewsnow.com/american/fox-news-channel.html
Bloomberg: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dp8PhLsUcFEegalitarianism
495 posts and 107 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


> persecution complex
thet never give up anon, just have fun at their expense


>WW1-European War only


idk if this is a controversial opinion but i don't think the use of nukes would necessarily cause le apocalypse. we have enough conventional ammunition to blow up the world, but the way conflicts the us has been involved in usually go is a slower escalation with the aim of generating profit rather than billions must die instant genocide. it's entirely possible that capitalist powers would simply not use nukes at the rate at which they would completely wreck soyciety and the world as we know it


The siege of Qingdao doesn't get poems and fiction based on it like The Somme or Verdun does


Very few millennials had this joyful type of adolescence.

>Even with that high school is their peak socially

Thats a very sad way of living


 No.1793453[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

"we used to have culture" edition

come in, make friends, talk about everything Brazil related - politics, news, the arts… and shitpost, of course.

Previous thread: >>1683261
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coisas ditas por reaça que seriam bacana se fossem verdade

Eu preferia o Lula do velho testamento.


Acho que não é necessário avisar aqui no /leftypol/, mas em todo caso, lembrem-se de mandar qualquer "esquerdista" que estiverem falando em largar a mão do RS porque são bozolóides e coisas semelhantes TOMAR NO CU.


Mas o sul é fascista msm, principalmente RS e SC


Vá fazer um boquete em uma espingarda.


E eu disse alguma mentira?


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 No.1842810[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

I know i know irrelevant shithole in the middle east and whatever but on the other hand
This article lays things out very nicely
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It's about how it will be used, not the law itself. The CEO of Georgia (Ivanishvili) gave a speech recently where he straight up said they were fighting the western influence. This law concerns foreign NGOs and there are no Russian NGOs in Georgia. Also most people aren't protesting just because of the law at this point. It's about the brutal response the government has given to the protests. They ambush opposition party members and activist at their front doors and beat them, some of them are still in hospital now. They also call random people who oppose the law or their relatives (even underage kids) and cuss them out on phones trying to intimidate them. People who work in the government sector lose their jobs if they say anything against the law.


I remember when there were reactionary protests in Spain and fucking Tucker came.


holy shit we got gattsu out here thats crazy


Tuckkker kkkarlson is a literally who media personality not a foreign minister or diplomat


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skibidi toilet fags


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 No.32746[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Come dispute bans, complain, and other such things related to /leftypol/ here. Please try not to spam this thread or make multiple posts on the same issue, as this makes it harder for us to respond to issues.

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I did and they were still up at the time


Cheese Pizza in Siberia, get rid of that shit



Can someone who is a fan or something explain what this guy's fucking deal is? Why is he releasing albums on major labels while prancing around with Wolfsangels and other pseudo-swastikas?
People say it's all full of double meanings, but his music is so unpleasant to listen to, it's such a celebration of anti-intellectualism and being braindead that I end up too disgusted to even listen to it.
Before you immediately assume I'm not "in on it" I'm a big fan of Genocide Organ, who have a similar approach of using reactionary symbols as a weapon against reactionary ideology. When it comes to this guy, I mean, he's hanging out with Tom Metzger and Bob Heick. Stewart Home, who seems like a pretty cool guy, directly accused him of being a Nazi, in an article that is here but I have yet to read it
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Actually maybe I didn't. I don't know. I hear communist lyrics. I feel like I'm going schizo.


Okay here's an example: "Because of Him."
So the lyrics, if you look them up, obviously on the surface imply that "Him" is Adolf Hitler.
>A friend that will eradicate
>All life's false humanity
>Helping one race, one creed
>To meet their need
Pretty racist… or is it? One race, like the human race? Or the white race?? All life's "false humanity?" Maybe that's the Jews? But this is in actuality cribbed from a song by the People's Temple Choir
Which was a religious cult. So instead it's a critique of ideology! But hang on. Because the People's Temple was also (allegedly) a communist church. So … What is he trying to say

You see what I mean by I feel like I'm going schizo?


first as farce then as tragedy


Fucking pottery


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 No.36917[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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Is the best thread on the board IMO


What are you trying to reply to? Different boards went to different bunkers and most didn't go to junku.

im OP Filename threads are a solid /co/ tradition going back at least a decade, and it was probably borrowed from other boards. They can be hit and miss but they go hard when they hit.
Did you check out the other boards? /baw/ is just the off-topic board, /co/ is the beating heart. Some boards are super slow so read timestamps before your reply to a ten year old post, and fair warning, the three PRRROMOTIONS boards are porn which once 4chan's /aco/ and /trash/ were created, became mostly the stuff that isn't allowed there.


I think they meant for anon.cafe because when I checked that's where it redirected me.



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Was he in the wrong?



Technically, it is counted as graphical art and has created some innovative hits, as demonstrated by this content from the Russian TikToker and Youtube maker DFB.
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>last TheParryGod vid was a year ago
Feels like forever for some reason. I really love his smooth animation and camerawork, knocks many big budget CGI movies down a peg.


Weren't the comics a substitute for the cartoon that never was? And it also got intentionally put on hold. Fucking Valve.


Skib 73 is complete. One of toughest and violent fights in the series so far, even if it is not as impactful as Ep. 70.
Camera and Speaker titans get knocked out in the battle, but GMan gets badly mutilated by them and loses almost all his new equipment before using his shield projector to escape TV Titan trying to finish him off. Camerawoman loses her right arm while observing the fight, but is alive.




Why are they so damn thicc?



what can someone do with a Rootless Nethunter install? even when trying to snoop on bluetooth devices it just gives "permission denied", and the bluetooth-arsenal isn't available on rootless nethunter either, it seems like only the Nethunter custom ROM is useful


On a similar note why is it so difficult if not outright impossible to spoof the MAC address of Bluetooth devices or even Bluetooth cards/dongles? Anything else is as simple as using a single command.


idk, I'm still very new to cracking but would also like to know why too


btw if someone does not know, Nethunter is a pentesting distro/custom ROM for Android devices based on kali gnu/linux. apparently it works on all devices if you include the rootless approach


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picrel. ive nvr used rootless nethunter, bu i imagine it'd b good for swipin rifd cards and security camera hackin (which btw, the majority run on the local network with no protection). wut bluetooth script does it use? ive always used bettercap 4 pentest stuff.


Nethunter isn't really useful without root and a customized kernel IMO.


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Undertale is primarily a commentary on the ways people approach media. Genocide route, in that context, is a response to playing through games in the increasingly prevalent mechanical and consumptive way. While there's enough in there to support Toby exalting authorial intent, I think he's noticing trends in the ways people approach games (consumptive and completionist), but hasn't really diagnosed the cause, which is why he condemns the player for playing through genocide (or choosing to see it without playing themselves) as a personal failing rather than getting at things like the culture industry or trends in game design and marketing that encourage that kind of approach. As not a great fan of authorial intent I still see a lot of value in a game (or anything really) having the guts to resist people who only want to engage with it in a boring or distanced way.
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? undertale was finished pretty quickly


Idk was it? I got the impression it took years and years


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Post the link next time.

It's only 3+4 together now.
>So, new strategy: No more waiting for Chapter 5. Instead, we are going to focus on putting DELTARUNE out for purchase once we finish Chapter 4. That should make everything a bit more reasonable!


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Deltarune is getting scarily similar to Homestuck. I wonder how much of it is intentional.


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>that chapter selection screen


 No.11924[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

What's the Marxist take on the ongoing Drake vs Kendrick Lamar feud?
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none of this is a conspiracy
celebrity spectacle #48271947639473 happens, record label makes money from music released under it, and the sun sets on another day in the US
this still would have happened even if israel didnt exist


Lotta pro-Palestine people have terminal main character syndrome.


Kek, now Macklemore has a diss track against him.


They do unfortunately. I blame Arab shame-honour culture.


Fuck off Armstrong



Is there more of a phenomenon of people listening to all/every genre or at least a ton of them? 20-30 years ago shit was a lot cliquish with punks, metalheads, hip hop fans, etc. having their own subcultures and people thought old music was cheesy. Now I notice zoomer listen to all genres and a ton even listen to old/boomer music without any reservations.


idk isn't it just whatever song is popular on TikTok at the moment? I don't think it's any different from people in olden times just listening to whatever was on the radio.


No, there have always been people who listen to everything but the “cliques” are the loudest.
Gen Z isn’t special


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It’s wild how the Imperial Core has to scramble hard to eradicate TikTok for basically being impossible for the glowies to control
You’ve got:
>America trying to ban TT because Zoomers would rather side with Palestine and socialism and tell celebs to kick rocks over the military’s attempts to shill propaganda
>UK glowies just following their American masters
>Froggies banning the app because people in their neo-colony in New Caledonia rising up against them
>India banning because idk muh China
It seems like tech porkies in Singapore accidentally made an app that allows for proles to rapidly communicate and popularize radical ideas, campaign for mass movements, coordinate boycotts and protests, it really is something, like yet another mOdErN pRiNtinG pReSs

Even Prolekult (god tier marxist filmmaker) uses TikTok

Something something something for length
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>The proletariat is that class which completely sells its labor power to capital to survive, without owning any reserves which it could use to stay afloat in bad times. Without the immediate demand for their labor they are chucked out onto the streets.
The idea that to be proletarian one has to experience some sort of absolute impoverishment is frankly more a Lassallean idea than Marxist one. The idea that wages are just the price of directly and immediately reproducing labor is again, a Lassallean notion which Marx already rejected in volume 1 in favor of merely a tendency for wages to fall that level, there are counter-veiling tendencies which even Ricardo wasn't daft enough to ignore, that was entirely Lassalle.

again, I don't think you understand. You are confusing literal homelessness with not being a homeowner which are not the same thing. The reason an adult child living at home is not a homeowner is because they don't actually own the home. What makes someone a proletarian is lack of non labor income derived of surplus value (in the case of the landlord, indirectly appropriated through exchange).

Imagine a hypothetical altruistic landlord that charged only $0.25 a month on rent for a room in a house. And a wage worker lived in a room rented by that landlord. That's essentially the same situation. The reason that doesn't happen with a normal landlord is because they don't care about their tenants, while a parent does. You wouldn't say a prole who had that deal wasn't "really proletarian".

What defines a prole isn't getting a good or bad deal on rent. It's deriving income from (underpaid) labor, as opposed to deriving income from appropriating surplus value.


No, I'm showing the absurdity of "assets". Someone just judged someone proletarian or not based on whether the place their parents put them up during hard times is paid for through mortgage or rent. Flag waving bullshit, people need to either commit to abolishing the bourgeois order and transcending civilization, or just go drink cum and keep their stank outta the movement.


I think text ai detection of dissidents is way more developed than people realize, glowies probably wordclouding us right now.
Tiktok has a large scale and data intensive content to analyze and break down into speech to text and them wordcloud for gommunism and [*****]


Slow down your orientalism there buddy.


>most socialist organizing in my third world country happens on fucking facebook and instagram, who cares
eat shit



So I wanna ask if anyone has been through this, I wanna preface with context

I’ve only been around white people ever since I was born, my town was a 20k population Mormon town in Wyoming USA with 99.99% white population, I have only seen black ppl two or three times a year, I had one black friend but I never wanted to try and force a friendship ofc

But now I moved to a big city that’s mostly black, like 80% or so I’ve heard. But now my heart races when I’m walking on the sidewalk and a black dude is walking my way and like, Im not racist intentionally or anything, I watch and read a lot about black struggles especially in the US and I know there isn’t a reason for me to freak out, but I literally haven’t been around enough black people to normalize it in my head I think.

How do I stop myself from acting like a liberal and offer a $5 dollar cash app in reparations (I’m kidding ofc what I mean is how do I stop being overly nice) or thinking “shit am I walking racist” when a black person is near me and shit, I just wanna be normal.

Do I need to wait and just chill out for a while while I get used to it, or do I have some studying or soul searching to do?

This also extends to Muslim ppl too, for some reason I catch myself thinking “it’d be cool to have a Muslim friend” and shit. I feel like a horrible person.
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I'm from Eastern Europe. Literally never met or seen anyone outside my country's ethnicity my entire life aside from a handful of Russians.




i worry i do not have enough white boy swag and communism in my body to cancel out the racism inside of a hot indian mom but this post has convinced me to try tomorrow instead of blowing it off


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>be me
>black woman just smiled at me
>feel good
>am now confused


>leftists, can I have some help being racist?
okay champ, who are we after today


 No.9187[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Post in this thread every time you come to this board. Post music you like here, whatever it may be.
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>"Интернационал" в итальянском концлагере
Фильм "Они шли на восток" 1964


yeah I'm thinking Miku Miku oo ee oo



 No.1852563[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

>Marxist political economy concerns itself variously with the analysis of crisis in capitalism, the role and distribution of the surplus product and surplus value in various types of economic systems, the nature and origin of economic value, the impact of class and class struggle on economic and political processes, and the process of economic evolution.

Related topics such as finance/business, etc. also welcome

related threads:
>>213072 /crisis/ General (monitoring the market, trends, fluctuations, etc.)
>>1852043 / CYBERCOM / (discussion of cybercommunism, the planning of the socialist economy by computerized means)
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Marx being a jew would have condemned Hamas one million times without even anyone asking.


But i thought marx was also le based self-hating jew like finklestein?


>SNLT is what Value becomes by the sale of a commodity (which then becomes the worker's wages). Surplus-Value by contrast to marx is socially-*unnecessary* labour time, and so the social/collective product of labour includes both Value and Surplus-Value, so a commodity is a hybrid of these.
Dude what the fuck are you talking about.
Surplus value and SNLT arent part of each other like that. Surplus value is the amount of value produced by workers not paid in wages to workers.
Marx never used socially unneccecary labour time, except to describe making useless things.
>SNLT is what Value becomes by the sale of a commodity (which then becomes the worker's wages).
Value only exists if the labour is used to make commodities, which are by definition sold. Labour performed for non-market purposes has no economic value in capitalism, and has no value because value is a concept emerging from commodity production and exchange of those.

You should read marx again because what you wrote is just a fundamental basic misunderstanding of the terms as used by marx and in marxism. For example, socially neccecary labour time is called as such because it is the average neccecary labour time needed by society to produce one of some commodity.


>Surplus value is the amount of value produced by workers not paid in wages to workers.
Value and Surplus-Value are created by the capitalist in the sale of commodities. If you work for a company that makes no money, then your labour is by definition unproductive. Only in sale does labour achieve its Value and Surplus-Value. This is one of the contradictions of commodity-production and why the proletariat is tied to this form for its self-reproduction. Capitalists and the proletariat sustain eachother.
>Marx never used socially unneccecary labour time, except to describe making useless things.
I swear reading verbatim marx using the term "socially-unnecessary labour time" to describe the time taken to give capitalists profits. But it fits well enough.
>Value only exists if the labour is used to make commodities, which are by definition sold. Labour performed for non-market purposes has no economic value in capitalism, and has no value because value is a concept emerging from commodity production and exchange of those.
Yes exactly.
>For example, socially neccecary labour time is called as such because it is the average neccecary labour time needed by society to produce one of some commodity.
And whats different in what i said? SNLT is paid back in the form of wages, which is the Value of the worker's labour-power. The average *time* is highlighted to bring distinction to the time it takes to also reap a profit for the capitalist, which is socially-unnecessary labour time (SULT), which would be rendered as surplus-value
Value = SNLT
Surplus = SULT


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