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'The weapon of criticism cannot, of course, replace criticism of the weapon, material force must be overthrown by material force; but theory also becomes a material force as soon as it has gripped the masses.' - Karl Marx
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 No.19860[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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Excuse me coming through
A quick note on the video @ >>>/leftypol/1538283
Also [vid related] for archival purposes

Around the 29 minute mark Peterson criticizes Marx and Engel's for assuming that workers would magically become more productive once they took over.

This actually happened historically, most of the actually effective productivity tricks work places use now were developed by Stakhanovites.

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read the Logic instead (or… next)


Is this an accidental reply, a reference to something, or something else I'm too ignorant to get?


A list of reading groups and their schedules that have chosen to advertise themselves here. Take a minute to check them out. If you would like to promote your reading group, feel free to leave a comment telling people where they can go.

>>5912 /read/

>>6162 Continental Floppa
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not to mention the repressed anti de-stalinization protests that khrushev also repressed


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 No.9298[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

ITT: resources and tips about navigating the Internet and researching topics

Feel free to post your own resources and tips too.

I'm going to post a lot of my own that I have gathered over the years.
I ask that random chit-chat in this thread is kept to a minimum except regarding technical questions & answers on the topic matter.
This is so that resources are kept as compact as possible, and so, readable.

First I'll dump resources and tips for researching various topics.
Note: I don't even have access to or use some of these myself (e.g. LexisNexis which seems to be pay-to-use), but I figure they could be helpful in some narrow cases. I use most of these myself. If the initial things I post don't interest you, keep reading anyway. I'm going to be dumping a lot of content.

Find key terms in newspapers and magazines.
I would say this is more helpful for finding sources that do exist rather than for reading them, per se. You can try to read the articles elsewhere than PressReader if you know their titles or part of their body text. The site appears to brand itself as pay-to-use, however you can use the search tool anyway and even read some resulting articles.
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Currently reading this. This book is terrifying, amazing and probably the most important thing you can currently read.


Guide To English Pornstars: The Intermediate Guide To English Pornstars
English Pornstars

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Anon from the cybercom thread suggested I post this here as well. A forum for political economy research started by Marxists. Classical Econophysics is listed on the resource page.

>The goal of this forum is to create a community for producing and reproducing scientific knowledge in political economy that exists totally outside of the realm of academia, the world of bourgeois non-profits and thinktanks, and the state apparatus. Today, political economy, which has been transformed into the “scientific” discipline of economics, has been both gutted of its most insightful content and held back by obscurantist and outdated mathematical models. It was once the case, in the days of Smith, Ricardo and Marx, that political economy was a form of thinking, researching and discussion which was undertaken by a broad public: working men, skilled craftsmen, professionals, clergy and professors. In this time, people didn’t write textbooks of economics, books to be taught by rote learning, they wrote books which were meant to be read by people interested in political economy and further their own research and understanding.

>This forum is built on the optimism for human curiosity and ingenuity, on the hope that there’s a possibility for creating a social science that isn’t trapped in the confines of a state ideology. A place for discussing political economy and related issues outside of the universities, economic bureaucracies and institutes funded by and for the ruling class; to the extent individuals from that world use this forum it should be to escape that world. On the other side of things, while it would be excellent for the work of this forum and its users to go on and inspire political movements, the forum itself is not sectarian, and is intended as a place for a general scientific community where all stripes of researchers can present their findings and debate.

>The features of this site are intended to nurture such a community. Users can write posts on their own personal blogs in long form to describe their research, as well as follow the works of other users. The actual forum allows users to create topics to discuss anything political economy related, as well as developments in real world economies, keeping dialogue open and inclusive to the public. The debates in the forum can teach people about political economy, as well as inspire further investigat
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$ sha256sum 1714785718372-0.pdf 
692491f5c6a2528c7bbc14581aae2ca84bf72ec00ae833392bcd1d47ccc2725d  1714785718372-0.pdf
$ sha256sum 1714785718372-1.pdf 
f8ba16760f04d0bbdc7a0402580f1bd85ebbb16bc6be10b2c534941c365401a6  1714785718372-1.pdf

What's the difference between the two pdf's? The edition seems the same


I thought I had two diff. cockshott books but turns out I downloaded the same one twice.


Bumping for interest.


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>the website is down
over before it began


it's caspover

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Let's have a thread about chemistry. I can't be the only amateur chemist on here. To please the mods, everything in here is purely academic. Check local laws before you embark on your projects. And before you do anything, make sure you have appropriate safety equipment. Think about the worst thing that could happen to your reaction, because chances are it will. Don't be stupid.

https://www.sciencemadness.org/ The go-to site for amateur chemists
Wiki: http://www.sciencemadness.org/smwiki/index.php/Main_Page
Forums, require email registration: https://www.sciencemadness.org/whisper/

Archive.org has plenty of old chemistry textbooks. The most useful ones for me are those meant to teach youngsters from the early 1900's.

NurdRage, the OG channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/NurdRage
NileRed, the internet's premier piss chemist: https://www.youtube.com/user/TheRedNile
NileBlue, secondary channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1D3yD4wlPMico0dss264XA
Explosions&Fire, energetic materials: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVovvq34gd0ps5cVYNZrc7A
Extractions&Ire, secondary channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvFApMFo_AafXbHRyEJefjA
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practical ways of making glacial AcOH would be useful for this, as it is a controlled substance I think. I can get 60% AcOH at a food wholesaler, but getting rid of the remaining water is not practical using distillation. maybe molecular sieves? would be slow..
where do you get the precursor?
based indian man shows how to do things yet again



Can anyone recommend me a good book for learning high-school level chemistry?


Nivaldo Tro - Chemistry A Molecular Approach


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Hello, i used to be a white nationalist. i don't want to be one anymore after my life went to shit when everyone found out. i was radicalized by the alt-right by my friends when they became nazis in early this year. i viewed their white nationalist rhetoric as correct. they stopped being my friend when they found out i was trans and gay, and i still held onto the white nationalist beliefs when we stopped being friends. i want to fully get rid of my white nationalism and become a leftist. i go by they/them pronouns btw.
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>I mean it's quite clearly shown through the data that the grunts who join such groups are isolated and deeply shamed, usually neurodivergent and often have backgrounds of child abuse and poverty

How comes this data?
Who did the research?

And even if, the problem of this people, the issue they worried about, is to find a gf or bf. Its true that there are unrealistic expectations like the love will heal somebody from everything. But in some cases, the knowleade that there is somebody who genuinly care is helpfull to overcome personal crisis.

>So in general protest masculinities swell when masculinity is in crisis.

The ultra masculine dudes are, in my experience, well in terms of relationsships. Even the macho ones.
The more feminine (soft, non-dominant etc.) males have greater problems.

Sure, I own no data for this assertations.

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>For the wannabe gore worker incel, my best guess is absurdism.

If you read the rebell untill the end, you will note that Camus makes a imporant postulate:
The socialistic approach, he wrote, seens the human as endless formable by social forces. But the absurd rebell, so Camus, feel that there is a human nature who doesn't want to be used as a mean to an end.

In other words, with another justification, Camus returned to the old, Kantian ethic of the diginity of the human being.

Why I tell you this boring shit?

In my opinion, this viewpoint does not allow us to have the idea of changing social expectations regarding love, etc., in order to solve the incel problem. The individual feels the longing for a ideal love in a absurd world. The individual doesn't want to be brainwashed to forgot this longing. Their whish isn't for a chemical happyness, they want to real thing.

>I also think other nihilist thought like Stirner's Egoism is interesting.

I'm a bit passionated in this topic, sorry.
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If you just want to know how incels can get gfs then IMO most incels are just mentalcels. I don't have any hard data on this though.

Protest masculinities include tough guys like bikers and bodybuilders, but also internet tough guys like incels.

Unfortunately, I have not found data I can trust on incels. There is too much sensationalism and incels are extremely online and avoidant. Unfortunately, I can only rely on studies of vaguely similar communities.

There are some good studies of violent authoritarians. And there are good studies of self-injurers. But these only apply to the extent they overlap with incels. Most incels aren't violent to others, and are more avoidant, neurotic and self-injuring. So many of these studies would only apply to the craziest mentalcels.

There is good work on other semi-related communities like autism, porn/kink, fanfic, bodybuilding and anorexia and bulimia communities, but I just haven't done the reading yet there. For context, on how desperate I am on semi-related communities I am considering reading furry sociology.

The two biggest sources I would rely on might be

"It’s (a) Shame: Why Poverty Leads to Support for Authoritarianism"
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> I have always been a bookworm.
> My classmates suspect that I am gay. > Most of the time they treat me nicely. > Sometimes not so nice

I am deeply sorry for your pain.
You are valuable, and you deserve love and respect.


>Their whish isn't for a chemical happyness, they want to real thing.
Chemical happyiness would be literally (but only) the "real thing", what they want is their fantasy fulfilled. Own it. What's desired is to live out a specific fantasy that orders and directs their life, values, goals, etc., and not to give that up for an alternate fantasy. Quixotic.

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I've read plenty of theory but any good books from the last 10 years about police? I'm particularly interested in the culture of fear police have when it comes to interacting with people.
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Oh that's the third edition, originally from 2007, so maybe OP won't like it.



I'm in a marxist org that I think has shied away from attacking the police and I want to correct our line. I believe Farell Dobbs was in the right when he said the following in Teamster's Rebellion:

"Under capitalism the main police function is to break strikes and to repress other forms of protest against the policies of the ruling class. Any civic usefulness other forms of police activity may have, like controlling traffic and summoning ambulances, is strictly incidental to the primary repressive function. Personal inclinations of individual cops do not alter this basic role of the police. All must comply with ruling-class dictates.

As a result, police repression becomes one of the most naked forms through which capitalism subordinates human rights to the demands of private property. If the cops sometimes falter in their antisocial tasks, it is simply because they-like the guns they use-are subject to rust when not engaged in the deadly function for which they are primarily trained. No police organization is exactly the same day in and day out. Two essential factors determine its character at a given moment: the social climate in which the cops have been operating and the turnover of personnel within the force. An unseasoned cop may tend to be somewhat considerate of others in the performance of duty, especially while class relations are relatively peaceful. Even in such calm times, however, the necessary accommodation must be made to capitalist demands, including readiness to shoot anyone who tampers with private property. Otherwise the aspiring cop, if he is not kicked out of the force, will have little chance of rising beyond a beat in the sticks. By gradually weeding out misfìts along these general lines, a police department can keep itself abreast of requirements during a more or less stable period in class relations."

The issue is these are powerful words but I want to prove that they have been borne out by reality. Particularly I think since the financial crisis/anti police movements police have shifted more and more right wing as relative class peace falls apart. Similarly I'd also be interested in works that look into the nature of police unions.


>Under capitalism the main police function is to break strikes
which is why they get the privilege of being the only work force that is universally unionized and armed. because their job is to make sure other work forces are not


>Under capitalism the main police function is to break strikes
they kinda pivoted from this to doing stochastic terrorism

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I have to confess something to you, comrades. I've been a leftist for many years now (here since the 8chan days), and I still CANNOT fully understand what the fuck dialectics is. Yes, I've read plenty, I've read a lot of Marx and Engels, later Marxist authors, philosophy books, dictionary definitions, I've watched philosophy lectures, youtube videos. I've even read some Hegel, with a lot of difficulty. All this and my brain still cannot grasp wtf dialectics is actually supposed to be.
The first problem is that many of these texts on dialectics look like pure gibberish to me, and it makes me mad when I can't understand them. Second, the words and definitions seem to change constantly depending on what I'm reading. Some people talk about the "dialectical method", others about "laws of dialectics", the "dialectic of history", "materialist dialectics", "dialectical biology", "dialectical consciousness", x person's dialectics, x philosophy's dialectics, others even bring up math and physics, etc. It all becomes increasingly convoluted and confusing, and in the end I fail to understand anything. It just leads me back to my initial question, what the fuck is dialectics? Maybe I'm just really not smart enough for Marxism, or philosophy is not my thing.

Still, I've been thinking about giving dialectics another try, maybe starting from scratch again, so if anyone knowledgeable can point me in the right direction, I'd really appreciate it. Maybe there's some key treatise I've missed or some obscure lecture that will make it all easier. Thanks for reading my rant.
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Thanks for the encouraging words.
>the interaction of antithetical forces which leads to a radical transformation of something. With that comes new emergent qualities and phenomena.
Yes, that does sound like what I've read on dialectics before. Looking at my old notes, Lenin for example says dialectics is "the theory of knowledge of Hegel and Marxism"
>In brief, dialectics can be defined as the doctrine of the unity of opposites. This embodies the essence of dialectics, but it requires explanations and development
I guess my initial problem is that it all sounds so… abstract? I find it confusing and really abstract, like a sort of vague, extremely generalized statement. Do you just take this about opposite forces and apply it to whatever subject you want, like history or biology? I'm probably approaching this from the wrong angle, because my mind wants to find some kind of scientific backing behind the philosophy. I end up thinking that, since these men wrote philosophical theories related to the brain and physics, it should be the job of modern scientists to clarify and define what exactly the mind, human thought, reality, etc. are.

Also, allow me to recommend this video. I saw it recommended on /leftypol/ a couple years ago, I've been watching it and it's been helpful. It's quite theory dense so you might wanna take notes.


>Do you just take this about opposite forces and apply it to whatever subject you want, like history or biology?
Yeah. Ever since I became enamored with Marxism I tried to translate dialectical materialism to science. I think complex system theory and some ideas in physics such as critical transition are a scientific expression of dialectical materialism, coincidentally so. Though they still harbor brainworms due to the philosophical grounding of capitalist society (e.g. mechanical materialism, idealisations)

>Also, allow me to recommend this video.

That was a very interesting watch. Are you German? If not then it must be quite difficult for you to understand the content, having to learn all of that in a different language. I'm German but I read almost everything in English, even German philosophers, and I think the English translations are harder to understand. They don't quite convey the ideas the same, after all the translator isn't just translating the language but is also delivering their interpretation of the text when they translate it.


>Yeah. Ever since I became enamored with Marxism I tried to translate dialectical materialism to science. I think complex system theory and some ideas in physics such as critical transition are a scientific expression of dialectical materialism, coincidentally so. Though they still harbor brainworms due to the philosophical grounding of capitalist society (e.g. mechanical materialism, idealisations)
Ok then, good to know I'm going in the right direction. I get that having scientific knowledge is necessary to understand dialectics too. I've heard many times from marxist authors and soviet textbooks that dialectics has been vindicated by science. They mention dialectics in many scientific fields and in concepts like entropy, elementary particles, natural selection and so on. Karl Marx considered Darwin to be pretty important, he told Engels about Origin of the Species
>This is the book which, in the field of natural history, provides the basis for our views.
Have you ever read Dialectics of Nature? After studying a lot of science back in his day, Engels was convinced that nature is indeed dialectical and wrote this book with Marx's backing in an attempt to prove it:
>"To me there could be no question of building the laws of dialectics into nature, but of discovering them in it and evolving them from it."
>"Dialectics, so-called objective dialectics, prevails throughout nature, and so-called subjective dialectics, dialectical thought, is only the reflection of the motion through opposites which asserts itself everywhere in nature, and which by the continual conflict of the opposites and their final passage into one another, or into higher forms, determines the life of nature"

>That was a very interesting watch. Are you German? If not then it must be quite difficult for you to understand the content, having to learn all of that in a different language.

No. I should have mentioned that the video has English subtitles. Still, many of these words that the German philosophers used like substance, thing in itself, immanent, spirit, and the infamous Sublimate/Aufheben have been VERY confusing to me. I should make sure I understand them all before trying to step into German idealism.
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>Have you ever read Dialectics of Nature?
Yes, and I was quite disappointed by it because it wasn't what I was looking for. For most of the book, Engels meanders about scientific questions that are archaic today and when he spoke about what dialectical materialism means in scientific terms he did so relatively briefly.

>have been VERY confusing to me.

Bet. The terms are more intuitively understandable when you speak German.

>Really? So you don't prefer to read in German? I thought Marx and Hegel would be way easier in the original language.

I didn't explain that well. I do read them in German nowadays and also think it's easier to understand them when you read them in the original language. What I meant was that I used to read everything in English because most of the content I engage in is in English. Free English PDFs are much easier to find than German ones so I started reading German philosophers in English first.


Traditionally, dialectics was a subdivision on of logic and was about the study of how arguments are derived. Hegel's dialectics (which is what Marxists are usually building on) refers to a particular kind of dialectical method used by Hegel. If you want a simple introduction read Hegel's Encyclopedia. Its a basic short summary of his whole philosophical system. Get a physical copy. grab a drink, put on some music, and just read and make notes as you move along. Its the only way to do it.

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Thread for History of Ancient China up until the end of the Chinese Empire
Discuss History, Mythology, Archeology, Socio-Economics, Politics and Culture of Ancient China. This includes Tibet, Korea and Mongolia.
Leftypedia >>3780 requires an article on Ancient China, all that is covered is the current People's Republic

Important Topics
>Mythology and Legends and their Modern Cultural Impacts
A society that arose at the beginning of human civilization, China's culture is enormous and diverse. Legends and mythology of China such as Fa Mulan and Journey to the West are just prominent examples of legends that influenced others across the globe. Recommend and discuss literature or myths on this.

>Eastern Philosophy, Culture and Religion

The East, especially China developed several unique religions and philosophies utterly separate from the primarily Greco-Roman and Judeo-Christian philosophies of Western and Central Europe as well as the Middle East. The 3 primary Chinese philosophies are Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism. Discuss the merits of these.

>Military Conflicts and Everyday Life in Ancient China

Society in China developed on its own and so it had much different ways of life. China is also known for having massive conflicts, some of the first to have millions of men fight at a time. China is known for it's generals such as author of "The Art of War"* Sun Tzu, Han Xing and CaoCao.

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Cool I was looking for something to watch during cardio.


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>episode 2 (prehistory of china)
>recounts creation myth where nobles were molded carefully by hand first and then everyone else was made all together as a rush job
>implies or directly states throughout, in contradiction with now well-supported scientific consensus, that every "stage" of human evolution happened in China, independent of Africa, rather than various hominin species dispersing from Africa throughout human evolution
>implies our pre-hominin ape ancestors lived in China
>claims that Chinese people can trace their ancestry back 2 million years to hominins in China (Wushan "Man")
>says verbatim "Peking Man, ancestor of the Chinese"
>claims among the "ancestors of the Chinese" were the first people to use fire, before any other humans
>gives only a throwaway line at the end about this ancient line interbreeding with the out-of-Africa Homo sapiens who came later
Gotta be honest, I was not prepared for this level of pseudoscientific nationalist mythmaking for something produced this century by the Chinese government.


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>that one time a spanish habsburgo emperor wrote in his plan to conquer the chinese empire was to "fuck and outbreed them out of existence with our Spanish, Filipino and Japanese subjects"
>It was actually possible given that the Ming were incompetent and they got rekt by the Manchu with the last Ming emperor hanging himself because he got duped into executing their best general
Even the ~100 million population wouldn't be an issue given South America;
>Our new study clarifies the size of pre-Columbian populations and their impact on their environment. By combining all published estimates from populations throughout the Americas, we find a probable Indigenous population of 60 million in 1492.


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yeah its a little wild


That's gonna be a yikes from me dog

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 No.1250[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Drop those PDF's or else
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Some Postmodern stuff


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Hand over the books /edu/ or porkies wont get hurt.



Don't shoot me~

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