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loved seeing them and M.O.T.O.

rock against Israel, baby


Can someone who is a fan or something explain what this guy's fucking deal is? Why is he releasing albums on major labels while prancing around with Wolfsangels and other pseudo-swastikas?
People say it's all full of double meanings, but his music is so unpleasant to listen to, it's such a celebration of anti-intellectualism and being braindead that I end up too disgusted to even listen to it.
Before you immediately assume I'm not "in on it" I'm a big fan of Genocide Organ, who have a similar approach of using reactionary symbols as a weapon against reactionary ideology. When it comes to this guy, I mean, he's hanging out with Tom Metzger and Bob Heick. Stewart Home, who seems like a pretty cool guy, directly accused him of being a Nazi, in an article that is here but I have yet to read it
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Actually maybe I didn't. I don't know. I hear communist lyrics. I feel like I'm going schizo.


Okay here's an example: "Because of Him."
So the lyrics, if you look them up, obviously on the surface imply that "Him" is Adolf Hitler.
>A friend that will eradicate
>All life's false humanity
>Helping one race, one creed
>To meet their need
Pretty racist… or is it? One race, like the human race? Or the white race?? All life's "false humanity?" Maybe that's the Jews? But this is in actuality cribbed from a song by the People's Temple Choir
Which was a religious cult. So instead it's a critique of ideology! But hang on. Because the People's Temple was also (allegedly) a communist church. So … What is he trying to say

You see what I mean by I feel like I'm going schizo?


first as farce then as tragedy


Fucking pottery


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Was he in the wrong?

 No.11924[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

What's the Marxist take on the ongoing Drake vs Kendrick Lamar feud?
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none of this is a conspiracy
celebrity spectacle #48271947639473 happens, record label makes money from music released under it, and the sun sets on another day in the US
this still would have happened even if israel didnt exist


Lotta pro-Palestine people have terminal main character syndrome.


Kek, now Macklemore has a diss track against him.


They do unfortunately. I blame Arab shame-honour culture.


Fuck off Armstrong


Is there more of a phenomenon of people listening to all/every genre or at least a ton of them? 20-30 years ago shit was a lot cliquish with punks, metalheads, hip hop fans, etc. having their own subcultures and people thought old music was cheesy. Now I notice zoomer listen to all genres and a ton even listen to old/boomer music without any reservations.


idk isn't it just whatever song is popular on TikTok at the moment? I don't think it's any different from people in olden times just listening to whatever was on the radio.


No, there have always been people who listen to everything but the “cliques” are the loudest.
Gen Z isn’t special

 No.9187[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Post in this thread every time you come to this board. Post music you like here, whatever it may be.
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>"Интернационал" в итальянском концлагере
Фильм "Они шли на восток" 1964


yeah I'm thinking Miku Miku oo ee oo


 No.7832[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Hip hop of any genre
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I think this is one of his under rated tracks. It kind of makes me think of something MF Doom might have done.





post leftist music
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Rage against the Machine


This is by far one of the most beautiful songs I've ever heard.




 No.10433[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

I don’t get it. Five years ago we were told this girl was going to save pop music. She made an album where she blended art pop with trap, industrial and dark ambient. She was single-handedly usurping the control if the major labels. She is also extremely socially conscious and leftist, basically the zoomer Joan Baez. Now she’s only released one song in the past two years and it’s bland as hell. Why
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She’s now being cancelled for allegedly being pro-Israel.




What do we think of her new album? This is the song with the most views so far.


Really bland. I mean REALLY bland. I keep expecting her to do a Merzbow or Diamanda Galas thing and she never delivers. At the most, she’s trying to do a really bad MIA impression.


She was retarded for releasing her album during the Drake-Kendrick beef and Rafah invasion.

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Post pretty good covers
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Red Army Choir sings the traditional Scottish song "Annie Laurie". Beautiful shit, lads.
When I opened the embed I was thinking, "that better be Lilac Wine." Good job, anon.



Blacktop Mojo - "Dream On" (Cover)


Rare extended mix of Everybody Wants To Rule The World by Tears for fears.

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