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Since a lot of time has passed since the old thread was made and all the old servers apparently got nuked by the hosting service, I have decided to create a new one on the Aternos account that I have registered back in the Bunkerchan days. Just like the previous one, it runs on one of the newer versions (1.19.2) of the game with a simple custom modpack that contains tech mods like Mekanism and the Thermal series, as well as some that add new elements to the game world as a whole such as Biomes O' Plenty and Aquaculture. Some previous additions like Pam's Harvestcraft and Chisel had to be pruned however due to lack of a 1.19.x version or being too resource extensive.

Instructions on entering the new server:
>Download UltimMC https://nightly.link/UltimMC/Launcher/workflows/main/develop
>Download the modpack https://gofile.io/d/vQSpcg
>Extract the UltimMC archive anywhere you like
>Launch UltimMC
>Create an account record in the UltimMC accounts section in top right (no Microsoft account required)
>Install the modpack through Add instance > Import from .zip
>Launch the newly "LeftyCraft" created instance
>Add “leftycraftreborn.aternos.me” into your server list and join the game

To start up the server in case it is down:
>Log into aternos.org with account “leftypoluser” (password: solidarityforever)
>Press the “Start” button
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Should've been 1.7.10 with HBM's and Techguns.


Modpack is down again

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It has recently come to our attention that the users of /games/ are seeking a reliable method of communication for online play and general conversation about games. I am unsure if anyone is aware, but, there currently exists and unoffical matrix room specifically for this located at: https://matrix.to/#/#leftypolgaming:matrix.org

Leftycraft community ( >>25060 ):

If anyone is interested in gaming discussion, or, online discourse please feel free to join. That is all. Thank you~

 No.26672[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

I just beat this game, I remember seeing another discussion thread about this game but I can't find it, but I want to talk about the game, full spoilers.
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Go to a poor area sometime, there are kids like that. Especially when you're a cop. IDK what you mean about the writing and acting, I thought it was good personally, all open to opinion though.

It's good you refunded it though since the current owners of the IP stole it.


>cuno called me a fag so hard i died and refunded the game


>filtered by fictional children




Disco Elysium’s most disappointing flaw:

I should be able to fuck the hole in the world.

Look, just hear me out.

The game introduces the plot point of a hole in the world, and confirms that I am playing as a character in possession of a penis.

It lets me wear a jacket that says FUCK THE WORLD.

The hole itself is called THE SWALLOW.

It even has a crab(man) living around it, clambering louse-like through the rafters, sustained by its vicinity.

It’s sexualized!
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Undertale is primarily a commentary on the ways people approach media. Genocide route, in that context, is a response to playing through games in the increasingly prevalent mechanical and consumptive way. While there's enough in there to support Toby exalting authorial intent, I think he's noticing trends in the ways people approach games (consumptive and completionist), but hasn't really diagnosed the cause, which is why he condemns the player for playing through genocide (or choosing to see it without playing themselves) as a personal failing rather than getting at things like the culture industry or trends in game design and marketing that encourage that kind of approach. As not a great fan of authorial intent I still see a lot of value in a game (or anything really) having the guts to resist people who only want to engage with it in a boring or distanced way.
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? undertale was finished pretty quickly


Idk was it? I got the impression it took years and years


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Post the link next time.

It's only 3+4 together now.
>So, new strategy: No more waiting for Chapter 5. Instead, we are going to focus on putting DELTARUNE out for purchase once we finish Chapter 4. That should make everything a bit more reasonable!


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Deltarune is getting scarily similar to Homestuck. I wonder how much of it is intentional.


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>that chapter selection screen

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New Cave Story-like has dropped.
So far I am enjoying it a lot. Sound design is really good. The animals are either really cute or really uncanny. There's a spooky atmosphere. I don't know whats going on but I think the animals are ghosts because they disappear in light sources. It's really open ended and you just sort of wander around until you get stuck. Upgrades are REALLY fun so far (not in that they change much about how you traverse the world or anything just that they are fun to use and funny). The game is like looking at an animal at night and they make a growling noise and you think its a wild boar when its just a goat.
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It's a metroidvania but where you don't have to do the levels in a specific order. You might have to come back later to get some hidden stuff. I think some of the secrets require items you don't get in that level. I got the bubble wand first and it trivialized a couple platforming puzzles in other areas.

IDK what to do about the frisbee cat so I just decided to come back later, which is nice to be able to do.


I beat the manticore, its a really fun game. I think its one of those games where there are a million secrets though and the boss is only the beginning of the real game. I was going blind but I think I'm going to have to pull up a guide.


It's good you get the tools to draw on the map, helps you remember where things are.


there's already a speedrun under 5 min lmfao


That uses an exploit where some flag doesn't get checked right if there's fuckery with collisions. Non-glitch WR is about 15 minutes currently.

vidrel is the current official WR with glitches (will probably be outdated by the time people see the post lol) - 3:36.033

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 No.13127[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

of course most /pol/tards side with caser's legion but looking at it almost every single faction is awful one way or the other, The NCR is literally a reboot of America that is in the middle of a manifest destiny, House is a egotistical maniac and probably appeals to Musk bros and Yes man is just a libertarian wet dream
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also not a legion fan, chose yes man ending, asswipe. Las Vegas in-game and irl is a dogshit american city anyone who visits know this


>post deleted
What the fuck is up with the jannies lmao?


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retard take


he is a known liar and pedantic

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>Create the Disco scenes of your dreams.
>Introducing Collage Mode: the new functionality that gives you the creative freedom to stage just about anything in-game.
lmao ZA/UM usurpers come up with worst possible choices for the franchise now that they kicked out the creators and have become just an Amazon subsidiary now, expecting to see Disco Elysium NFTs soon
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It doesn't feel like i am a "police" officer, it looks like i am a poor asshole suicidal old man in his 60s who doesn't know the fuck he is going though and is quite scared about anything. You make him sit in a shit chair in front of a fat man and he might just go completely insane.
Kim is just a very normal guy.
Both of us don't have guns kim has a pistol, but only 2 or 3 bullets in there, backup, are far far away from civilization in a place no one cares about the police, and being threatened by a bunch of people. Also the protag don't even have money to stay in the night. Protag live in the dumpster, don't eat, put drugs on his vain to stay sane and talk with the voices in his head all the time, even in his sleep. He is fudged up


I mean yeah the protags from DE are definitely different from typical police in stories but at the same time I can understand why the Hardie boys treat you like an asshole, but as the player I still feel kind of pissed off at them.


I think is mostly an act, they are trying to look dangerous and look like people that would hang a man. They are not like that, complete assholes, at least most of the time.


Auckshully, the makers of the game have an elegant solution to their own as well as the intended audience's natural hatred of police forces under bourg regimes: the RCM isn't one. It is a citizens militia with an unbroken revolutionary lineage; the Moralintern allowed to remain (if restructured and reigned in) under the occupation as a pragmatic policing solution. Their mistake.


 No.34976[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Is this the end of anti-woke? Or at least a deep wound in it?
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>"teenagers are hormonal and horny" is a stereotype
The stereotype is that edgy/horny stuff is liked by teenagers or those who have the same level of mental maturity, not the Captain Obvious biology stuff you just said. Just because a person enjoys a certain fanservice-heavy work does not mean they are a teenager or a manchild and vice-versa.

Please, stop coping and being extremely close-minded, you're no different than the teenagers you loathe so much.


>>35265 (me)
>the same level of mental maturity
Replace with "hormones" if you want, it all comes down to "People enjoy it 'cause they're stoopid" regardless.


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i hate it when people label all media with sex in them "pornographic", but i might actually hate even more when people respond along the lines of "it's not porn! it has artistic value!", as if porn can't have artistic value. like films like corruption and bacchanale don't exist


They are now mad at nakedy in Hades 2




 No.27867[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

I have a weird fascination with this franchise, particularly its fans. How do they remain so loyal when there's been maybe one or two good games in the last two decades in a sea of average-to-terrible garbage released year after year? How did Sega manage to take all the wrong lessons away from their colossal fuckups of the mid-late 2000s?
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seems like a fun enough idea though I'm sure it will be infested with microtransactions


It's actually just a Fall Guys clone. For better or worse.

The only things that are worth the fans' attention are the comics, the movies, Sonic Prime, mods and fan games. That's it. People say Sonic Team listens to Sonic fans too much but I'd argue that they listen to them too little, instead prefering to balance fan appeal and kids appeal, creating that weird frankensteinian vision. They've implemented the character creator in Forces but it sucked,
they've implemented the boost gameplay in Forces but it was on rails, they've added a dark story to Forces but it clashed with cheesy writing, they've remastered Colors but it was a glitchy mess. Frontiers was decent but after playing it with mods you wouldn't want to play vanilla (the same thing as with SA2) unlike wIth Colors, Generations and Mania which are perfectly enjoyable games even without all the mods. Or the Rush series. Or the Advance series. Or even SA1 or Heroes (even though some may object to this claim). All-in-all, Frontiers is like Skyrim: you can play vanilla. But why?


>>35251 (me)
Oh, they also refuse to change the voice cast, keeping that frankly boring snarky Sonic. I don't know why, you listen to Jun'ichi or Drummond or even later Griffith and they charge you with some excitement and positive energy. Where's the excitement? Dante is more Sonic than Sonic is nowadays, like, wtf?

I really should try out DMC5.


>>35240 Fuck I'd play it


my main concern is the bland artstyle and animations

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Thoughts on Arknights?
Kinda surprised there's not already a thread about this, there's so much politics crammed into this game's story I'd imagine people here would have interesting takes on.
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I'm not really experienced in Arknights lore so I could be wrong.
But am I the only one who's disturbed that there's a weapons manufacturer based off Raytheon and the game never criticizes them for how fucked up their business practices are? I wouldn't be complaining if they used the generic "Thor Industrial" name from the beta.


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I miss Reunion, the current Londinium-Dublinn-Kazdel arc is boring.


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From what I see, most of the anti-capitalist stuff comes from the tradlarp Kazimierz events.


From what I've read so far, yeah, but seems they're broadening the scope a bit more with stuff like the recent blacksteel story.

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