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/AKM/ - Guns, weapons and the art of war.

"War can only be abolished through war, and in order to get rid of the gun it is necessary to take up the gun." - Chairman Mao
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 No.3151[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Thread for hating on the F-35 "Lightning II" stealth turkey a.k.a the most expensive military project in history to date.

The USAF declared it ready for service in 2016
As of that date the following problems I can list just off the top of my head
- Vulnerable to lightning; it's practically a lightning rod https://archive.is/QSIii
- 0 redundancies in the cyber or mechanical aggregates; any malfunction
- RADAR glitches means it literally ahs to be turned off and on again https://archive.ph/EEd9y
- Ejection seat is banned for anyone 136 pounds or below and anyone not above 150 pounds has significant injury risk, it literally can break your neck.
- F-35 helmets glow too brightly for air-to-air refueling https://archive.is/pKE0Y
- F-35 helmets are so heavy at nearly 5 kilograms so that maneuvers cause them to bang their heads on the inside of the cockpit https://archive.ph/WsRxA https://archive.ph/dE1gP
(keep in mind these helmets are 400,000 dollars each).
- The oxygen system is unreliable (something that the F-22 shares) https://archive.ph/kGGKq

The Plane was supposed to be ready by 2010-12 having been projected in the early 2000s
the list of problems in its past and that are remaining in various levels of urgency number over 800.
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LMAO even the Poles, who suck the US DoD like it's a milky teat are talking about how bad and expensive the F-35 is.

Considering the increasing Iran-Israel relations (or rather, lack thereof) throughout Spring of 2024, there's a possibility that the Su-35SE (export Su-35S's) of Iran will face off against the F-35i of the Israelie Air-Force. The Israeli's have some advantages, but only stealth is something the F-35 is superior in. Armament, flight-characteristics and so on are on the side of the Sukhoi, and the F-35's stealth is not invisibility, and Iran hasn't been idly standing by ignoring those capabilities. The only REAL difference is that Israeli pilots have more experience, but even then, it's been decades since the IAF has had a proper air to air opponent and striking ground targets is not the same as a dogfight, and BVR is by no means a guaranteed hit.


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F-35 continues to be a drain on the US economy. Lockheed deliveries are going to be over a quarter to nearly half the number its supposed to be and the poor combat readiness and high maintenance costs mean the F-35 will probably be obsolete by the time it properly enters full combat-capable service. Even the Military Industrial Complex is starting to get flak from their own best friends, the Pentagon.



The truth holds it back, the reality pushes it down, the money keeps it afloat and more money pushes it forward.


Fulfilling a request by cross posting this here from the ukraine thread


>Lockheed is reporting that it won't be able to deliver 25-50% of ordered F-35s

And the military's solution? Use the f-35 less, lol


>In March, the fighter jet marked an important milestone — “full-rate production,” generally the point when development reaches an acceptable level of performance and reliability to start building more of them, faster. F-35s have already been in production at or near full rate for several years. At the same time, the military services that fly the F-35 (the Air Force, Marines, and Navy) plan to use it less.

The recent report offhandedly mentions that it took 20 fucking years to finally reach full production.


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Imagine how an actual war with these things would look when they can't even be maintained properly without contractors.


Since tank warfare is a hot topic right now I'll drop some good tank vids.

First vid is a long one covering American tanker school.
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The research into disabling autonomous vehicles like this has been done years ago, probably by the same companies that create them. Things like hyper-sticky wire or chain nets would jam the tracks.


Lazerfag recently made a video where he regurgitates Western propaganda to defend the Challenger II. Laughable.
In the words of one comment
>A random guy on YouTube hides behind a pig persona, saying baseless things while extensively using anime memes, and these things turn out to be not true? How could this be possible?! Next you will say that TikTok is not the best source of military analysis!


Damn I got neat dubs.
Anyway for anyone that doesn't want to watch the retarded video and waste 50 minutes of their time:

The very fact that Lazerpig STILL claims that "russha iz running out of shells" and "muh aircraft losses" is indicative of his deep-set NAFO-ass-sniffing. Most of the video is basically going over the history of the Challenger II and basically says that "we don't know what Chobham is made of so we can't know the real protection, ignoring the massive gap in armor at the driver's hatch and the fact that this same argument can be used to also say that the real protection of the tank is LOWER than commonly claimed as well.
The comedic thesis Lazerpig brings up in the video is that the Challenger 2 act's as mobile artillery (it's shells and indirect fire range is shit) and the claim that its presence (fucking where lol?) reduces the capability for Russia to target it (Ukraine) with drones or missile systems has increased its importance in the current conflict. Nevermind that we've seen and heard NOTHING about the Challenger II's impact on the battlefield, but we sure as hell have seen them get taken out with drones, ATGMs and artillery, while getting stuck in mud during on-camera training.
>The Russians are reportedly hesitant to come out and fight Western designs, preferring to stay at a distance and only engage if the defending forces are using Soviet-built models. This reluctance may be due to a fear of having combat footage leaked online, as well as a tactical advantage in not engaging with tanks designed to counter their own.
This section was genuinely funny considering that T-72s have taken out both Abrams and Leopard II tanks because at least those ones are actually BEING USED on the front instead of driving around and getting stuck in the mud behind the lines for attempted propaganda.

I think that Lazerpig released this video because of the scandalous demonstration of Abrams and Leopard II tanks in Moscow this May and how viral it is on the internet. So TL;DR: /k/ope about the Challenger II is a roundabout bigger seethe over Russia dunking on Western AFVs.


Forgot to link a page for this rather interesting 120mm round. (Phone posting RN).


A Chieftain tank and prepared static shaped charges are used to try and defeat a solid steel armour plate followed by a plate of the new Chobham armour.
Attacks include an APDS (charge adjusted) round simulating combat range engagements and a shaped-charge placed on the armour plates.
The steel plate is defeated, the Chobham armour is not.

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How do you take it from a prepper LARP to a legitimate strategy and contingency plan? From what I understand, plenty of revolutionaries have had to do this through history to survive. It seems like a very important skill to have in the event that you need to evade fash or rapidly declining material conditions during the fall of capitalism.

Realistically, how do you accomplish this? Even in an extremely generous situation where you have your own land in the middle of nowhere, and have the money to buy supplies (clothing, repair equipment, tools) once in a while, it seems nigh-impossible in the modern era. Not only do you have to survive mother nature and construct and maintain reliable shetler and storage, you also have to somehow secure methods of maintaining gun supplies, food, clothing, information, etc. Most of this seems to demand either a lot of money or a lot of crime (which has its own issues with making the local proles hostile to you)

I'm interested in resources and methods of training survival skills (without getting myself killed like a retard).
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LARP preppers, which dominate SEO on the subject because their conception of prepping is largely based in consumption rather than sustainability, have main character syndrome and want to Minecraft Steve their way to survival while mowing down all the poors for any excuse they can get.

Real prepping would require a cooperative of some sort, and involve permaculture farming.


The way you take it from LARP to Contingency is writing it down with quantities.


Diesel Generator might be useful, milsurp is usually good.

I Bought a Military Surplus Diesel Generator to Power my House


Isn't renewable a lot better? You'll eventually run out of gas.


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Some of the comments are important or interesting to look at:
>Generator tech here, if possible you should avoid running your diesel generator under low loads for extended periods, this can lead to something called "wet stacking". A diesel engine needs to run under load in order to burn clean, under no load conditions you'll coke up the engine and shorten it's life. Simply put, you'll want to run your generator at a minumum 25% load whenever possible, and every so often you'll want to run it up to 100% for a few hours to burn off carbon and spooge buildup as well as verify function at rated capacity.
The MEP models had common issues with wet stacking. so run them around a 80% load for around 30mins-1hr at your yearly service date.
>Electrician here; pleased to see that you're adhering to code, and doing a neat, non-lashup job. Attention to detail saves MANY problems down the road. Next: Battery bank + Inverter. Two reasons: 1) initial switchover on power loss is marginally faster, especially if your generator is cold or the outage is a short one, and 2) (more important) You can load up your generator recharging the bank, and prevent carbon depositing in the cylinders - Need to periodically run a generator under heavy load to keep it clean. Downside of a bank + inverter is more cost and more maintenance. If you're NOT getting a bank, consider getting a dummy load that can artificially load up the generator.

>the 400 hertz are for radar systems, namely the SQS-36 Firefinder and ANTPQ-64 Sentinel. Those 10K generators have Yanmar engines and we would run them 24/7 and only shut them down for every 200 hours for oil changes. We had 2 per radar and would switch gens every 200 hours. Each generator would have 4000+ hours on them at the end of a deployment and they would go directly to Toby Hanna Army depot to get rebuilt or what we called a reset. I know those systems like the back of my hand and would by a surplus one in a heart beat.The internal tank is only good for about 8 hours of run time but you can run a line for an external tank.

>The water separator fuel filter you changed at 13 minutes, well, it's a good idea to leave that water drain on there. Especially when filling with jerry cans. If you don't regularly ble
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Thread to talk about drone warfare in general.

There are many ways drones can be used but I would like to talk about their potential use in protests and riots in the west.

In my experience something that is sorely lacking in protests going wild is intelligence about police postions, while the bad guys usually have a QG with plenty of operators gathering and distributing intelligence to police officers trough cameras, helicopters and, you guessed it, drones.

So, what's keeping us from using drones? Those for kids which are 50 bucks on amazon could do the trick, it would take a team of two, one pilot and one operative relaying intel trough a phone or a radio to someone in the front of the protest.

I know there are anti drone weapons, but they don't work that well and these aren't well established yet. In case of capture though it's good to prevent or render difficult a trace, so it would be smart to buy those drones trough proxies and false adresses, and scratch whatever number they have on them.
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An analysis of the X-62A and how it's still far from true AI vs Human combat (simulation). The AI is essentially using existing commands for the basis of its responses and actions, which means its reactive and not creative.



An analysis of ground-based drones in future conflicts, in light of the fight in Berdychi.



>The French 'Parade' anti-drone system mixes up the sounds of Air Conditioners and Drones


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A concept for a Tilt-rotor jet drone has been introduced called the Razor P100. It's got a striking resemblance to something I just can't place my finger on it… hmmm Hunter-Killer Aerial from Terminator in case it isn't obvious.


Under barrel grenade launchers are getting use as anti-drone weapons, with proximity-fuse grenades and net-gun ammunition for short-mid range combating of drones.


 No.1345[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

What can we learn from the Russian invasion of Ukraine and this example of relatively modern warfare? Strategy, tactics, operations, geopolitical responses, information warfare, civilian pov and response. Anything related. Not the thread to talk about "who is in the right".
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One thing I notice is that T-90M often turn their turrets before the crew bails out. Likely to avoid that the gun or larger turret, or debris, block the drivers hatch.


Unlike the Abrams and other Western tanks they don't NEED to but you're correct that it's done to make exiting for the driver easier.


Need a source on that Syrian T-72 story. Seems rather ridiculous considering how many T-72 were destroyed in their civil war by ancient recoilless rifles.


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It's one of the most well known incident of 1982 war. It's why the TOW missile was upgraded to BGM-71C (ITOW) with the extended probe, so as to increase HEAT penetration. BGM-71A and B variants only penetrated 430mm of RHA at best. The lowballed estimates of armor equivalent for the T-72 against HEAT warheads was 450mm for the frontal plate (600mm according to Soviet sources) and the same applies for the turret armor.

Mind you, this is for the T-72/T-72A/T-72M/T-72M1 and is lower than the armor protection of the T-72B variants.

Source on T-72 armor
- М. Б. Барятинский. Т-72. Уральская броня против НАТО. — Москва: Яуза, Коллекция, Эксмо, 2008. https://www.labirint.ru/books/247101/
- S. Zaloga, M. Jerchel, S. Sewell. T-72 Main Battle Tank 1974—1993. — London: Osprey Publishing, 1993. — С. 39. — 48 с. — (New Vanguard № 6)



Should have clarified - immune frontally, noticed that was missing in my post just now.


Hello comrades I'm a transwoman who owns a Bersa in 380 (pic rel) that I purchased in more prosperous times. Is it suitable for home defense? I live in a pretty crap apartment and am concerned about over penetration and efficacy. I don't have much money for another option. Please advise.

TLDR trans femme comrade needs caliber advice


A crossbow would be better, but that seem like it'd work fine.


1. A gun you have is better than one you don't.
2. A gun you are adept at using is better than one you just have.
yeah sure that's fine.
>concerned about over penetration and efficacy
looks like you got hollow points which reduces penetration and increases tissue damage. don't waste those on practice shooting though, just get some cheap boolets designated for target shooting.


It'll kill people for sure if that's what you're wondering. Cheap ammo and easy to carry as well.


define "suitable". will a .380 kill a man? yes. is it wise to shoot indoors? no, few guns are. hollowpoints are safer though
find a good range and practice. get some click rounds (not sure what the term is in English but blank rounds you can fire without damaging the firing pin) and practice loading, unloading, safing, unsafing and handling it in general


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Birdshot round are good for home defense. Hit an intruder anywhere near the face and you'll ruin their objective without killing them.
Home defense is different than having a body count, try to avoid that if possible.
A blank, a couple round of birdshot and then HP for the final rounds if things get serious. I like my shotgun because I've been able to dissuade one potential intruder with the sound of racking it, glad I haven't had to kill anyone.

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>A shotgun (also known as a scattergun, or historically as a fowling piece) is a long-barreled firearm designed to shoot a straight-walled cartridge known as a shotshell, which usually discharges numerous small pellet-like spherical sub-projectiles called shot, or sometimes a single solid projectile called a slug. Shotguns are most commonly smoothbore firearms, meaning that their gun barrels have no rifling on the inner wall, but rifled barrels for shooting slugs (slug barrels) are also available.

The shotgun is thought of as being an extremely basic firearm but it is also very versatile and powerful. It can shoot loads that allow you to hunt small game, large game, from birdshot to buckshot, to even rifled slugs that basically turn your shotgun into a rifle, also works good for home defense and even military applications (think WW1 trench guns).

People have a misleading sense of how much spread shotguns have especially in video games where they magically become ineffective after 10 feet meanwhile in real life hunters regularly kill animals with buckshot at far greater distances.
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what's the deal with burgers and muh home defense?


Come find out.


what the hell does that mean? that doesn't answer my question


It's a joke, the implication is that if you "come" and enter their home, they will shoot you.


Refilling a shell
>The video does not show the exact parameters and names of the components. This is not a tutorial for making shotgun shells, it is a reconstruction of a museum rarity.

Video is by Drobashevich a Russian Shotgun channel


Gonna start a thread on this since I just found something cool I want to share, will post it as a reply.
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This made me throw up lmao what is this you can get decent dual tubes for sub 10, and dual PVS-14s in a panobridge for sub 7k

Thats like only on the ""new"" army ENVGs


Never used a dovetail for monos thought they didn't wobble at all but my only experience with monos is J-arm and bayonet.


Review of Russia's current thermal sight for its army


-Personal Armour
-Vehicle Armour
-Structural armour

Instructions, specifications, theory.
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See >>2099
But since I know (You) won't listen - How To Make AMAZING Body Armor For $30?! on youtube. Guy uses fiberglass resin to create a fairly durable Level III plate.

sage for potential glowies


Anyone have these old 'future' military stuff? I remember there being a site for it, but it's gone or something.



The Russian special forces titanium helmet, yes.


A DIY Mirror Ghillie that is surprisingly effective

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 No.222[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Meme thread for /AK/
Post memes, stories, funny shit and /k/ screencaps.
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File version

Full shell for pic 1


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you vs the cartridge she tells you not to worry about


>Embedding error.
File Version here

Also just realized the OP I made 3 years ago has 222 GETS… for a MEME thread lol


Also similar vibe.
>Self-defense: Point-blank Shot Dodge + Submission


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